With an editorially-bracketed nod to the propensity of newspapers to report erroneously, I’ll cut straight to the chase: the wedding of Francis Xavier Stevens of Chicago and Norma Jean Flowers of New Lexington, Ohio, as reported in the Zanesville, Ohio, Times Recorder on November 11, 1949. (For the sake of posting brevity in each day’s entry, and to add further family history explanation, I’ll include only a section of the newspaper article each day.)
Norma Jean Flowers Becomes Bride
In Formal Service at New Lexington
Miss Norma Jean Flowers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Flowers of New Lexington was married to T. Sgt. Francis K. [X.] Stevens, son of Mrs. William Stevens and the late Mr. Stevens of Chicago, in a ceremony read at 8:30 o’clock Saturday morning in St. Rose Catholic church in New Lexington. Rev. Father Richard Dodd read the ceremony at a nuptial high mass.
The candlelight altar was decorated with chrysanthemums.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin fashioned with a net yoke, fitted bodice, and a full skirt which extended into a cathedral train. The sleeves tapered to points over her hands. Her fingertip veil of illusion was caught to a tiara of net and lace trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white carnations centered with a purple throated orchid. She also carried crystal rosaries, gift of the bridegroom.
That's a happy (and good) looking couple!