Frank is still keenly interested in his father’s real estate dealings, wanting to know the progress of each contract, the disposition of each property. And the boy is still California Dreamin’. The grass is always greener elsewhere, especially for winter-bound Chicagoans eyeing the oasis of Los Angeles.
I wonder about all the names Frank mentions at the end of this note. Were they school friends? Neighbors? Is this gossip about who is marrying whom? The running commentary makes me wish I had a chance to take a peek at the other end of the letter exchanges.
The way I look at it I’m glad that I’m over here at last, for the sooner I get my year and a half in the sooner I’ll be back home, I figure I’ll get some State-side duty next time as I have over two years outside the states now. I was figuring it up today I’ve got an unbroken line of sea duty starting in August 1942 untill the present. I’m going on the assumption that everyone at home is in good health I’m glad that you sold 531, now if you move out south around Beverly hills everything will be aw reet, have you any special place in mind? Is Tony going to move into 507 or is he going to make an annex onto the corner write soon and give me the dope. Say Dad I don’t remember any Eleanor Quinn where did she live and who is Ray Simms. It was quite a suprise about Jun Swyer and if You see DeNormandie give him my best. I guess you were right about Trent Dad I thought he was doing all right for himself but I haven’t heard from him in two years I wonder how he got out of the Army I’ll have to clos now running out of paper. Write soon Love from your Affectionate Son, Frank
The 1930 US census lists an Eleanor Quinn living in Chicago born about 1922... But wth Frank's playful spelling it's hard to tell exactly who some of the others might be... Jun Swyer? June? There is a large Denormandie family in the Chicago area too -
ReplyDeleteI had to chuckle at the "aw reet".