Saturday, November 30, 2024

Awash in Collateral Connections


It should have come as no surprise that families from small communities would, over the generations, intermarry with relatives. Yet, when I chose my Twelve Most Wanted ancestral goal for November, I blithely placed that potential number of intermarried surnames at a number far lower than it may turn out to be. Right now, as I close out this month's research, I am awash in potential collateral connections—only on the likely relatives of my second great-grandfather Mateusz Laskowski. That says nothing about the connections with his wife's Gramlewicz family—which I still need to pursue—or the other surnames I've discovered which are connected to this family.

Add that to my ever-growing to-do list of unfinished research. Thankfully, finding more online resources for local documentation from the Laskowskis' Polish home in Żerków has helped my progress. Last year, I thought I had gone as far as I could without actually traveling to Poland; this year, I'm staring down a list of possibly accessible names which are far too long to wrap up on this last day of the month.

The result last year of thinking I had hit the end of the line for this family persuaded me to veer off course from my Twelve Most Wanted research route. We'll discuss December's projects tomorrow, but I am now thinking we may need to blend in some catch-up work on the families we've left behind during this quarter's family history explorations. If nothing else, they will inform the selection for those Twelve Most Wanted, once I begin planning for 2025—which won't be long in coming.

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