Tuesday, July 2, 2024

About Hugh


What I know about Hugh Stevens: nothing.

Well, that is not entirely true. I do know a few things. Those few things are not very useful, however, but a researcher has to start somewhere. This is my start.

The little I do know about Hugh Stevens is that he took the exact same route in arriving in Lafayette, Indiana, as did another Irish man by the same surname. That man was John Stevens, my husband's second great-grandfather. Oddly coincidental details about the two Stevens men make me wonder whether they might have been brothers, such as their place of origin—County Mayo, Ireland—and the route they took from Liverpool to the port of New Orleans. Even their date of travel was during the same month, only separated by a year's distance.

I found all that out by comparing notes on two slips of paper, each the Declaration of Intention or "first papers" signed to begin the naturalization process as an immigrant to the United States.

I've written about John Stevens' First Dec before—ten years ago on the eve of our trip to Ireland, in fact, posting a copy of the original—and revisited my Stevens research quandary a couple years after that. John had made his journey, according to his declaration, from his home in County Mayo to the English port city Liverpool, where he boarded a ship taking him to New Orleans. From there, he had taken another vessel up the Mississippi, then along a tributary river until he arrived at Lafayette, Indiana. 

According to the immigration record, John Stevens arrived in New Orleans in December of 1850. As I remember it, the curious detail about Hugh Stevens' First Declaration was that he, too, arrived in December, following the same route, but his arrival was a year afterwards. I can imagine the one Stevens man, John, sending a message back home to the other Stevens man, Hugh, in County Mayo, telling him it would be to his advantage to follow that same route.

Apparently, Hugh did so, for there is a document demonstrating his arrival and his specific route, but where he went after that point is still a mystery to me. That is what I'm hoping to set aside this month to discover. 


  1. I'm related to John William Stevens. Do you happen to know who his parents are or have any sources for that?

    1. Melissa, thanks so much for getting in touch! When I saw your name, I realized that over the years, I have emailed with two or three different members of your family about this same question, but I have yet to find an answer to that question. I am hoping that learning something about Hugh may lead to answers, if my guess that they were relatives turns out to be correct. Let's see what turns up as this month progresses. I'd love to talk further with you and compare notes.
