Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another Type of D-Day

With the battles in the South Pacific behind him, Frank Stevens seems to be fixated on returning to the paradise of his first post after joining the Navy: the Virgin Islands.

Hearing from one of the old gang still stationed at St. Thomas, Frank discovers that his friend and his wife are expecting a different type of Christmas gift. Jokingly calling it “D Day,” they are looking forward to the arrival of their first child.

While these are not relatives of our family lines, I’m still curious to find out who these people are—really good friends? Acquaintances? Just great letter writers in the face of the day-to-day monotony embedded within the tumult of war?

It will have to be another ten years before I can access any census records on this Tom and Ida Fox and their baby born in December, 1945. There are too many entries in the Navy muster rolls for the name, “Thomas Fox.” I don’t even know if Tom was a friend from the old neighborhood in Chicago, or a coworker met during Frank’s tour of duty.

At any rate, the letter pretty clearly shows Frank’s intentions to return to service in the Virgin Islands when he is done with his first four years in the Navy.

            Also heard from Tom Fox (St. Thomas) and he said they (he and Ida ) expect their “D” (delivery) day in December. Sounds real happy and is having a swell time down on the rock, wish I were back down there with him. Believe I’ll request duty down there when I get back to the states next time. Will close now folks be good and take care of yourselves.
                                                Your aristocratic son


  1. Hmmm... you know just enough about Tom and Ida to tease us. :) I hope you get a lead on them.

  2. This Tom Fox would have been a neighbor and about Frank's age.

