Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bring an Ancestor to the Parade


Got D.A.R. Patriots? Then bring an ancestor with you to the parade this Fourth of July—in the spirit of Independence Day, of course.

While I hope your day is filled with sunshine and fun with family, barbecues, safe and refreshing water sports to beat the heat, and lots of watermelon, don't forget those who got this whole process started. Whether you have gone through the official application process to acknowledge your Patriot ancestors with the Daughters or Sons of the American Revolution—or have yet to do so—you can still share their name and legacy today as you gather with family and friends.

In my case, I'm remembering my own family's Patriot, Zachariah Taliaferro. And I am learning that there are others in my family's various lines yet to recognize for their service—a project to tackle in future months. Somehow, knowing these names makes this day's celebration take on a new meaning, connecting my roots to the roots of this country.

Perhaps your ancestry does not reach that far back in this country's history, but if you had ancestors who made the journey to America, they most likely took their own part in building this country and making it into the place it now is. Remember them and wave a flag on their behalf at the parade, as well. This is a country made up of "we, the people" and we all had ancestors who made a difference in one way or another, whether at the beginning, or along the journey through our country's timeline. Happy Independence Day!


  1. Happy July 4th. A good reminder to keep our patriot ancestors in mind today. My patriot was Jacob Grover.

    1. Sara, thanks for mentioning that. I went and looked up Jacob Grover in the DAR Patriot's list, so I had him in mind this week, too. What a legacy these ancestors gave us.


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