Monday, July 22, 2024

A Flannery Family Focus


Would it be possible to solve a family history mystery in the span of ten days? Could we, if we've already tackled the question twice before, manage to handle it before the close of this month? I'm not sure, but I'm willing to give it a try. After all, my planned research project for this month has fizzled out—yes, I can be a wimp that way—and I need to find something to replace it.

Into this perfect research storm steps an unsuspecting DNA match who provides the inspiration. Actually, this researcher is a genealogy friend of a friend, referred to me by another DNA match who is also working on the same line. Together, we are tackling various aspects of the trail-gone-cold of my father-in-law's immigrant great-grandparents Denis Tully and Margaret Flannery. After a volley of emails with this new-found connection, I decided I found my blogging answer: make the Flannery family line my focus for the rest of July.

Oh, we have tackled this project several times in the past. Sometimes I feel as if it were all to no avail—my immediate reaction when thinking back to the two times I've blogged about the Flannery family in 2015 and, more recently, just last August. But now that I look back to some of the posts on the Flannery family here at A Family Tapestry, I realize I did make progress. It's time to regroup and move a step beyond.

So this is it: the Flannerys will be our focus for the remainder of the month, both in County Tipperary, where they originated, and where they emigrated, a place which was once called Canada West. There are several neighboring Flannery families I've discovered in the past few times this surname has been reviewed, so tomorrow we'll take a look at those loose ends and see whether we can find a clear path forward.

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