Tuesday, May 24, 2022

No N G S Conference For me


Welcome to Tuesday, the start of the long-awaited, can't-wait-to-see-everybody-again, face-to-face annual conference of the National Genealogical Society. It's been a long three years since that event last convened, and a lot of hard work has gone into producing what organizers hope will be a best-ever lineup of speakers and events.

But then, there's Covid. I can't really say this is a post-pandemic conference, because technically, that disease will likely always be with us from this point onward. So precautions have been put into place—requirements far more stringent than the man-on-the-street in downtown Sacramento might be expected to follow. Including signing an agreement, upon registration, promising not to show up if exhibiting symptoms.

Guess who came down with symptoms?

Granted, I'm only an easy commute's drive away from Sacramento, so I'm not out airfare and hotel expenses. Nonetheless, I'm disappointed. My main focus was to attend the pre-conference "Focus on Societies" which previously was a feature of the now-merged Federation of Genealogical Societies. In addition, as appointed delegate for my local genealogical society, I wanted to attend the morning's Delegate Council Meeting.

Instead, it looks like I'll be dedicating another day to shoving my face flat into my pillow. (If you missed me yesterday, ditto for my calendar of events—and thanks to those who double-checked on me after my customary daily post didn't appear.)

If you are a genealogy enthusiast who happens to live within driving distance of Sacramento and have the rest of the week open, please consider joining in the activities. The NGS Conference is still open for registration at the door, even if you only are able to attend for one day. Just keep in mind you can't bring your Covid germs with you—but do bring a mask and your proof of vaccination and boosters. As much as we want to see each other again, this is a process which requires we tread slowly and carefully for the good of all.


  1. Jacqi, I hope you feel much better very soon. Take care.

  2. Hopefully you will have a quick recovery!!

  3. I was concerned when you didn't post yesterday. I am so sorry this happened AGAIN and that you are missing the conference. I hope you have a speedy recovery, rest and get better soon.
