Saturday, February 19, 2022

An Appetite for Learning


Though my educational palate has long since been set on long-form main courses, occasionally nibbling on some tasty genealogical appetizers is not beyond me. Given that a worldwide family history fest is about to be deliciously plated for all to partake, with no limit to time or space, why not avail one's self of such an educational feast?

The learning opportunity I'm referring to is FamilySearch's RootTech, the annual family history conference which, since the pandemic, has re-invented itself as a 72-hour long continuous digital learning opportunity beginning at 8:00 a.m.—Salt Lake City time, of course—on March 3. All it takes to be a participant in this digital event is to sign up for a free account at and register for the conference (and have access to an online connection).

Several keynote speakers have already been announced, and represent compelling life stories from around the world. Soon, the listing of all sessions will be made available, at which point you can assemble your personal play list to suit your own educational needs. As was done last year, the sessions will remain on the RootsTech website for access throughout the year, so there's no pressure to overindulge by educational overdose.

One fun diversion is the opportunity to find new relatives among fellow RootsTech attendees by joining Relatives at RootsTech—yet another way the conference team is emphasizing their theme, "Choose Connection." What really caught my eye about the team's explanation of their theme was the statement, "Of all the ways to choose connection in this world, listening to another person's story with interest and empathy might be the best way to start."

To catch up on all the RootsTech news which has already been posted, see the FamilySearch blog. Granted, there's a lot to consider—especially seeing all the stories which are about to be shared with this worldwide audience. Though the full schedule has not yet been released, there is bound to be something for everyone in this learning smorgasbord of family history. Read the menu of good things to come, yes, but in the meantime, don't forget to place your own order: in order to participate, you'll need to remember to register for your free seat at the learning table. 

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