Monday, January 24, 2022

Didya Miss Me?


With thanks to those of you perceptive enough to find a way to perform a virtual welfare check, yes, I've been absent over the weekend. True, having the Internet service in our neighborhood go out for nearly a whole day contributed to the issue. But the mainstay of a miserable weekend has shown me that it is possible to not even have journeyed to Salt Lake City for my formerly-annual trek to SLIG (thinking of those who cast aspersions upon that wonderful organization for the co-incidental but inevitable January illness) to come down with something of an awful-disease variety: my entire family, despite all precautions including adhering to a sterling, up-to-date vaccination and masking protocol, has come down with the coronavirus.

I see I'm not the only one in the genealogy universe lately plagued with this unexpected outcome. From well-known lecturers to fellow genea-bloggers to even the "Plan B" speaker our local society had engaged for January's meeting—Plan A having been scuttled, also, due to the same virus—the disease is surging and impacting our community. My thoughts and prayers are with you; this is not an easy ride.

That said, it's been a rough go for me, as well. This is the first chance in which I've been able to sit up long enough to type a few words into a computer; don't expect any more for some time. It takes time to do research—let alone write coherently about the jumble of facts gleaned from pursuing promising rabbit trails. I'll be back when I can. In the meantime, please keep healthy with all the protocols at your disposal. For some, this is not a journey for the faint of heart.


  1. So sorry to hear you are I'll. Take care of yourself, we will be here when you recover, ready for more of your stories.

  2. Hope you have quick and easy recovery!

  3. Sorry to hear your whole family got sick in spite of precautions taken. Get well soon.

  4. Oh, no! You did everything possible to stay safe and yet...sorry, sorry, sorry. Please take care of yourself and your family. Will watch for your posts when you're feeling more like yourself!

  5. So sorry to hear that you are all sick. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. I'm so sorry. This new variant is so sneaky and is attacking everyone. And they say it is more mild, but from reactions from friends and family, I am not sure they agree. I was worried about you, hoping you feel better soon.

    1. I read an article yesterday that said "mild" in this situation refers to the ability of the patient to manage symptoms at home rather than needing supportive care in a medical setting. I think that covers the differences of opinion on what mild means to individuals at this point. I hope that Jacqui's case(and those of her loved ones) meets at a minimum that defignition...

  7. Yes I did miss your blogs over the past weekend, and noted for myself that I hoped it was't Covid-related. I'm a regular reader, even if I don't comment, I enjoy your posts and research. I hope the whole family has a mild version, and will have a speedy recovery!

  8. Jacqui, I still miss you! I hope that you are resting and recovering and can come back to us soon!
