Saturday, May 1, 2021

Time for Those Good-Intention
Weekend Projects


Later this month, I'll have the opportunity to share one of my favorite research stories at a nearby genealogical society's meeting. It's the story of how, inspired by my blogging mentor and her orphaned photo rescue operation, I took the challenge to research an abandoned photograph album and return it to the granddaughter of the couple who compiled it eighty five years ago. The only catch was—and I didn't realize this when I stumbled upon the opportunity in a California antique shop—that the photo album began its journey from a rural location outside the city of Cork, Ireland.

As the story unfolded with each twist in the research journey, the result turned into a series of daily installments stretching from December 28, 2016, through the following May. And as blog posts go, the reader follows the story, essentially, by starting at that first date and moving forward in time. To review the series now seems a backwards process.

My brainy idea was to compose a post containing all the links to follow the sequence from beginning to end of story—a helpful way to navigate the gaps in the story over weekends and other special events (holidays, DNA day, blogiversary, and other detours). And, messy though that is, I will still likely do that. Or experiment with other ways to format a series. After all, there are other stories to revisit and re-gather into a coherent sequence.

The splat of the matter is that I'm stuck with indecision. The idea seemed like a good one to begin with, but in reality comes down to a messy post. Now that I've jockeyed the links into position, I'm hesitating, waiting for a more elegant resolution. I may have to explore options, or other bloggers' examples. There has got to be a better way.

In the meantime, if you'd like to reminisce with me, the story begins here. Hopefully, the well-meaning weekend project will right itself before I run out of weekend in which to complete it...

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