Sunday, April 4, 2021

A Day of Peace and Celebration


Somehow, Easter doesn't seem quite the same, when celebrations are viewed from the distance of a computer screen. Despite the escalating count of vaccine shots given, our family is still hunkered down here in our country hideout, not heading to the joy of a church service.

Doesn't matter. We are in the process of still making family history, despite obstacles. Or, perhaps thanks to challenges. Today, in addition to the homebound substitute of a traditional observation of Easter, our family celebrates our daughter completing the requirements for her master of arts degree.

Of course, we're proud of her. And the fact that she achieved this milestone despite unexpected challenges won't get lost in the malaise of a lingering pandemic. It is not only the highlights which make a family's history distinct, but also the many day-to-day occurrences which shape a family's trajectory and influence our collective future. There is a peace in the viewpoint which sees the many events that blend to shape just who we are as all meant for our good. Perhaps that is the draw of the joy of Easter.


  1. Congratulations to your daughter for achieving her degree! Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, Miss Merry! I hope your Easter was a pleasant one with your family, as well.

  2. A lovely and comforting message from you to us.

    1. Lisa, thanks for stopping by today to comment. With the many times we have looked at how our two family lines have crossed, I can't help but wonder if we'll someday discover we are related!
