Friday, January 17, 2020

So Soon, we Get to "So Long"

Was it only last Sunday when I hopped a plane for Salt Lake City to attend SLIG? And yet, at today's close it will be a wrap for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy 2020. It's always my intent to "be present" when I'm in the midst of an experience, but even that practice of mindfulness did not stall the rushing passage of time. But for the last hurrah of SLIG's banquet announcements of next year's course lineup, it's all over this evening.

Sitting in on the colonial Virginia research course under instructors Barbara Vines Little and Victor Dunn, I've gained information on more resources than I can possible scope out in one week—although I did try out my research training wheels at the Family History Library a few nights this week.

It hasn't been all work and no play. I did get some time to just sit back and socialize. There are people here to meet from as far away as Canada, Ireland, and Australia, but I also got to visit over dinner with a fellow genealogist from a town barely ten miles to the north of my home. Small world!

And the bloggers! Fellow blogger Cathy Naborowski, taking the same Virginia course as I am, wrote about her experience on her blog, Connecting the Skeletons. Though I haven't yet met her face to face, blogger Cyndy of Love My Ancestors provided an introvert's take on being a first-time SLIGster in a recent post. Though she hasn't blogged in a while, it was fun to reconnect with Ohio genealogist Shelley Bishop. Even my fellow bloggers who weren't here this week were on my mind; future SLIG attendee and indefatigable blogger Linda Stufflebean went with me in spirit when I put her advice to good use at the Family History Library this week.

But now...well, now it's time to pack that suitcase and ready my notes for the last of a very profitable series of days at SLIG. Here's to another year: I'll be mulling over your essence for many successful research sessions to come.

Note: While I am certainly honored to be designated as an Ambassador for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy 2020—and have shared about their impressive offerings for several years now—this year's designation comes to me with receipt of a modest discount to the registration fee. Nevertheless, my focus is on objectively sharing what aspects of the Institute readers at A Family Tapestry would likely find helpful, and I welcome the opportunity to continue serving as eyes and ears on site during this event for the benefit of my readers.


  1. And just like that it is over. Hope you gained some insight!

    1. Oh, Far Side, I can't even begin to tell all the great resources I've learned about this week!

  2. A week flies by so quickly - I'm looking forward to learning about your research finds using your newfound sources. I've heard Barbara Vines Little speak and she's fabulous. Thank you for the shout out today, too.

    1. Well, Linda, you know what I say about politics, sausage making, and genealogy: some processes are better left unseen 'til the end. I'm not sure I'll be mentioning much about my discoveries following this class until after I find a few leads, despite my penchant for serving as genealogical guinea pig. But yes, a week full of Barbara Vines Little--and Victor Dunn, too!--was well worth the immense supply of resources gained.
