Wednesday, September 4, 2019

One of Those Days

Gotta chalk yesterday up to being "one of those days."

Most days, I manage to squeeze in some time for family history research—and a corresponding blog post to catalog my research meanderings—just about as regularly as most people melt into their easy chair to laugh away the stress after a long day at work with their favorite sitcom. I find research—in small doses, but on a regular basis—to be my kind of way to relax and unwind after the day's end.

Not so, yesterday—no, make that the entire weekend. Between the workday ending last week and the one opening up this week, I managed to witness more to-do items checked off than I dreamed would be possible (for me, at least).

Talk about back-to-school: got that checked off the list, sending she-whose-name-must-virtually-never-be-mentioned off to grad school at a hybrid home-plus-campus program based out of Los Angeles. But not before she pre-arranged financing and took the family up north to scope out a possible new-to-her truck to purchase for the twice-per-semester 350 mile commute. Nothing is ever easy, however, so while she returned to work yesterday, her behind-the-scenes crew (that would be me) scrambled to switch all the arrangements so the vehicle was properly insured before the trek down south. And make sure lodging arrangements were properly taken care of (nothing is ever easy). And be on hand, in case the final details of financial paperwork needed to be hand-delivered to the designated parties.

Of course, no way any other work could be done in between all the phone calls, office deliveries, and other necessary connections. So...I did what I could: squeeze in a bit of research. There is always time for a quick lookup. Conveniently, my email alerted me to a new DNA match at one of my less-active testing sites, so I checked it out. That spare moment catapulted into several spare moments throughout the day, so I could squeeze in the several newly-discovered family members tied to this one DNA match, linking names with documents as the hints started pouring in.

A little here, a little there—but it doesn't always add up to something scintillating to share in a post. When I do my biweekly tally next weekend, though, I'll have something to report on my dad's tree, which I'm always excited to see. But not much to report for today's post.

In the meantime, there hasn't been any response to my message to yet another Samuel Tucker descendant, so it's still quiet on that front as well. Some days, it's hurry up and wait. Today was just one of those days.