Monday, September 2, 2019

Celebrating How Far We've Come

When we look back at all the media and stories of the origin of Labor Day in the United States and elsewhere around the world, we can't avoid the realization of how far we've come in working conditions for our jobs. Though this century's new occupations don't represent the hazards of prior generations—coal mining, for instance, has seen such a reduced demand, once people no longer heated their home in this way—there are certainly more details to address in current, though evolving, workplace issues.

No matter where you work—especially in comparison to where your great-grandparents once worked—I hope you enjoy this closing holiday of the summer season.

Above: Entrance to a West Virginia coal mine; photograph taken in 1908 by American sociologist and photographer Lewis Wickes Hine; courtesy U.S. Library of Congress via Wikipedia; in the public domain.


  1. Labor Day, for us a signal that school will start tomorrow and our tourist area will calm down:)

    1. You are in an area which still sticks to that tradition of no school until after Labor Day--a rare choice, any more! Glad your neighborhood will settle down into a more quiet mode, Far Side!
