Thursday, August 22, 2019

While we are Waiting

While three antique photos of the Wymer family are making their way back home—hopefully announcing their arrival today—we are still on hold when it comes to finding a home for the photograph of the Tucker family. I found a direct descendant of Samuel and Annie Tucker, I made my pitch, and heard...nothing. That attempt will take a bit more work.

In the meantime, we can take a lesson from the set of photos we found belonging to the extended family which included the Tuckers. There are indeed more Tucker photos from the antique store where I found this one—and each branch of the Tucker family represented in these various portraits may someday lead me to a connection who will be interested in receiving some, or possibly all of these treasures.

Maud Tucker—the one we learned eventually married Burt Purkey and lived in Idaho—had a brother identified in the family photograph as Jim. He was likely the tallest of the children standing in that old photograph I found in Sonora, California, for according to the 1900 census, he was listed as the eldest child of Samuel and Annie Tucker, arriving in July of 1885.

There is a lot yet to learn about James Andrew Tucker, and there's a reason we'll want to find out all we can about him: I have a portrait of a young man with a label on the reverse that reads, "James Tucker, Maud's brother." That photograph, too, will need to someday find its way back home.


  1. This is a good thing that you do, and others who have replied that they like to do the same thing. Generous to strangers with your time and skills.

    1. Lisa, there have been so many people, over the years in which I've been involved in genealogical research, who have given so freely of their time and expertise to help launch a new researcher. There are many of us out there who have learned the value of "giving back" specifically for the kindness once shown to us. It generates such a wonderful chain of events.
