Thursday, August 15, 2019

While I Was Out

Currently, I'm writing from the hotel at a world famous amusement park, the name of which I'd refrain from revealing, except that (as my husband delights in putting it), "it rhymes with Shmizneyland." Even if I were to receive that coveted reply email I've been awaiting from the direct descendant of the Samuel Tucker family, I wouldn't be able to send the photo back home. Yet.

And that seems to be my problem. I'm embarrassed to say, that has not been the first time I've been faced with that dilemma. It's happened before—namely, during last January, when I went from a week-long training session at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy to a research trip in Florida. Of course, it would be right in the middle of that when I received an email from not one, but two descendants of the couple featured in a hundred year old family portrait.

I was delighted to receive the news, of course, emailing exactly that message back to the waiting descendants. And promptly forgot to get the photographs in the mail when I returned home.

While I'm away, once again, from my stash of antique photographs, I'll take this opportunity to reintroduce you to the family who will soon—this time, I promise!—be flying their way back home.

Above: Remember George and Elmira Purkey Wymer and family  from Plymouth, Indiana? I wrote about them, back at the end of October, 2018. Their family photographs—there are at least two others besides this one which will also be returned—have long since been claimed by two direct descendants, and will make their way back home as soon as I do.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, Miss Merry, I'm not sure I can handle having this much of a grand time! But I will persevere.

  2. Hello Jacqi….I love that place. There is a child in all of us and who says we cant let it out now and then? I'm sure your home again and back to your research. So glad you took a break with your hubby.

    1. It certainly was fun having a change of pace and getting to travel with family! Yes, I'm back home, but refreshed with all the beauty I spotted (and listened to) while there! Thanks for stopping by, Betty!
