Saturday, June 15, 2019

Virtually Here:
Opportunities for Learning

It's June 15. If you haven't yet thought about registering for a virtual program through the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy—but always promised yourself you'd try it someday—you'd best start thinking, and fast. Registration, open today at 11:00 a.m. mountain time, may not fill up quite as fast as Thomas Jones' SLIG course last January—so far, he holds the SLIG record for reaching capacity in six minutes from registration opening—but just be safe and assume procrastination will not serve your purposes today.

I won't be attending the fall SLIG Virtual sessions, though I was sorely tempted. Three different courses will be offered: the All-DNA Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum (beginning in October), Intermediate Foundations (eleven weeks, beginning September 10), and Virtual Nordic II: In-Depth Swedish and Finnish Research (also beginning in September).

While each class, team-taught by multiple instructors, sounds interesting, I've found I prefer the opportunity to do my learning in person, so I'll opt to boot up my computer and hover my finger over the "register here" button in time for the traditional January sessions, held in Salt Lake City. It's a good thing registration for that session won't begin until July 13 at 8:00 a.m. my time. (See how dedicated I am?)

After having attended several years of traditional SLIG each January—if you've been following A Family Tapestry for a while, you may have noticed my posts from previous years—I'm honored to have been selected as a SLIG Ambassador this year. Either way, I can't say enough about this learning opportunity, whether the choice is to learn in person or virtually through online connections. I guess I just love genealogical research, and finding ways to increase my skill sets is a high priority.

Right now, though, I'm torn. I have my eye on two different SLIG 2020 January sessions. Both represent a natural progression from my Southern Research class from SLIG 2019. One delves into the specifics about researching in Virginia from the colonial period through the Civil War. The other takes a close look at the big research opportunities in the little state of Maryland. Both states represent the early landing places of our family's ancestors. Thankfully, I'll have another month to ponder which choice will yield the best practical outcome for my family history research pathways in the upcoming year—but you can be sure I won't dally once the morning of July 13 arrives. Those classes can fill up lightning fast!

Disclaimer: While I am certainly honored to be newly designated as an Ambassador for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy 2020—and have shared about their impressive offerings for several years now—this year's designation comes to me with receipt of a modest discount to the upcoming registration fee. Nevertheless, my focus is on objectively sharing what aspects of the Institute readers at A Family Tapestry would likely find helpful, and I welcome the opportunity to continue serving as eyes and ears on site during this event. 


  1. How wonderful that online classes are offered! Yeah for you being an Ambassador!

    1. Yes, it's great that SLIG is being so forward-thinking in their offerings. Of course, it's such a short trip for me to attend--and I so appreciate the aspects of in-person attendance--but I certainly understand how beneficial this offering is for those unable to make the trip to Salt Lake City.
