Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Blessed Resurrection Day!

Wishing you all the peace and encouragement this day represents.

Above: From among the keepsakes belonging to Agnes Tully Stevens, my husband's paternal grandmother, was a card from the Seraphic Mass Association for Capuchin Foreign Missions, based in New York City. Dated May 14, 1946, its purpose was to inform the widow that her deceased husband was being remembered in mass, according to a statement imprinted on the back of the card. The card was sent to her by a friend, only a few days after Agnes' husband's passing.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Iggy! I hope you had a pleasant, relaxing day!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Far Side! It's so interesting to see what little items got tucked away in our ancestors' "important papers" and records. This one held some significance for the woman who received it. She kept it for the rest of her long life.
