Thursday, July 12, 2018

Time for Another Road Trip

Now that the last of the abandoned photographs has been sent back to family, it's time to look for more. The thought that my ancestors' picturesor yours, for that mattercould still be out there, facing the fate of being tossed out or lost in an estate sale, is a compelling consideration. While what I'm doing here at A Family Tapestry may never give me the chance to find my own family's photographs, at least it will allow me to grant a fellow researcher a pleasant surprise. Consider this a "giving back" project.

So it's off to a few more antique shops to see what we can find. Wemy indefatigable genealogy-rescuing travel partner Sheri Fenley and Iare hoping to schedule a trip up to California Gold Rush country again soon.

If you recall, last time we went, we headed northeast to the area around Sutter Creek and Jackson. This time, we plan to follow the Gold Country Highwaystate highway 49, named on account of the "49ers" who arrived there in 1849, just after the start of the gold rushto the south of our last visit. Our goal this time will be to visit the historic community of Sonora, and possibly also stop in Jamestown or Angels Camp.

The good news is that there is at least one antique shop in Sonora, our first stop, which hasat least, according to their response to my query—"hundreds" of photos. We'll see whether any of those pictures include the vital element: an inscription on the reverse which provides enough identification of the subjects to make it possible for me to return the item to family.

Though most of the photographs I've already found were taken long after gold fever died down in the foothills of northern California, I am still amazed at how many picturestaken in the 1870s through the early 1900sstill made their way from family roots in other countries to those relatives who chose to settle where their "get rich quick" schemes faded, so long ago. It is always fun to explore those bins storing abandoned photographs from a century long gone, and apparently, we are in for more fun with our next trip to the foothills.

Meanwhile, before we ever get on the road again, I've got some other research to take care of. We'll take a look at the to-do list tomorrow.


  1. I love that you are doing this. Kudos.

    1. Thanks, Gayle. I can hardly wait to see what we will find on this next trip. I found a new location for old photos, hopefully including a good selection.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Far Side. I think I've located one spot which promises to have lots of old photos. We'll see whether that turns out to be useful intel or not...
