Monday, April 9, 2018

The Hardest Part of Family History . . . when it goes from the sweet baby pictures of those innocent first years... the other end of the story.

While that has just happened for my brother, thankfully the outpouring of love and encouragement helps hold us all up.

With all that he accomplished over the years, the one vignette I remember the most, when thinking of my brother, is his theme song from those early years in NYC. If you know him, you may remember...


  1. Sending a hug and sympathy at this sad time.

  2. Thinking of all of you who loved him the most.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jacqi.

  4. Putting on a happy face isn't so easy some times...may your good memories help you through this hard time:)

  5. He surely was light on his feet. I thought I had never seen your brother until I read more about him and realized I probably saw and heard him more often than I knew. What a talent!
