Saturday, April 7, 2018

Procrastinators and Planning

It's high time for all genealogical-conference goers headed to Jamboree to stop procrastinating and complete their registration before the early bird deadline flies by.

Yes, that means me, the guilty procrastinator extraordinaire. I have until April 14don't blink; you'll miss itto decide what to do about my registration.

I know, I know: the conference isn't happening until May 31 through June 2. But that's not what gets you your ticket into the front door. Registration is. And the best price for that can only be gained through an early-bird window that will shut tight April 14. Leaving me stymied by indecision.

Not that I don't plan on going; totally the opposite. The problem is: there are even more offerings. But in less time.

This year, the Southern California Genealogical Society responded to feedback about holding their event through Sunday. So this timetheir forty ninth yearthey decided to break with tradition and eliminate their Sunday offerings.

No problem for me with that change. We usually duck out early anyhow, since we face a nearly eight hour drive home. Now we can do it on Sunday at a more leisurely pace and get home a bit earlier in the evening.

But the other that's the one causing me problems. You see, Jamboree for many of us traditional attendees was not one event, but two. Coupled with the usual conference was a pre-session known as DNA Day. Thankfully, that event is not going away, which I'm relieved to learn. But what is changing is that the conference is adding yet another special focus: a one day writers' conference.

On the same day. Which one to choose? (Can't I have both?)

Faced with the dilemma of wanting to attend some of the DNA sessions, but some of the writers' ones, too, I'm stalled with the indecision.

An added problem, which I'm sure many repeat attendees have realized, is that conferences tend to focus on the many topics which can satisfy the learning requirements of beginners. That is probably why I opt for attending weeklong genealogical institutes, where a learner can feast on a specialty topic in depth, rather than cherry pick from a smorgasbord of hour-long appetizers.

To counterbalance that attendee's dilemma, to their credit, the Jamboree team offers their own version of in-depth learning with half-day seminars. If, for instance, my procrastination hasn't gotten the best of me and kept me from signing up before the class becomes full, I hope to register for Blaine Bettinger's Visual Phasing workshop. I've read his five-part tutorial on his website, but still feel like I want to pelt him with questions; this will be the perfect opportunity.

All that comes, of course, with cutting out all the indecision and registering. Before April 14.

If you're like meloving the learning environment of a successful conference like Jamboreehopefully, you'll find your way to the Jamboree registration page before April 14 as well. And then we can look each other up, once we get to southern California for the May 31 through June 2 event.


  1. You think you need to attend classes on WRITING? Seriously? You could be leading them.

    1. Thanks, Wendy, for the vote of confidence. But what is appealing about a writers' conference is the how-to advice on actually getting that writing published, the one spot where I am sorely lacking in know-how.
