Thursday, April 27, 2017

One More Phone Call

With so much of the work behind me—of determining the family featured in the mystery photo album I found in northern California—it might seem like it is time to wrap up this story and move on to another. But no, not quite yet. There is one more item of business to attend to. Remember, that photo album still needs to find its way back to Ireland. And I want to figure out how the thing made its way to California.

There is one member of the Reid family who may know the answer. Now that I'm returning home from my most recent trip, I'll be set to make another phone call to hear the details on what may well be a plausible explanation. Today, I heard from that branch of the extended Reid family, asking to schedule a time to talk. Believe me, I can hardly wait.

This family will also likely be the very ones to deliver the album back home to County Cork. You see, the family is planning a trip to Ireland later this year, including a visit with none other than the very granddaughter of Harry and Alice Reid whom we've already deduced was the right couple.

My task, hopefully to be completed this weekend, is to arrange a phone conversation with this new family connection. Hopefully, that will include even more details that can be shared about this research journey, from personal remembrances this person has of the Reid family. Remember, the album was put together in 1936, and we are now over eighty years beyond that Christmas date. Those memories will reach far into the past of someone's lifetime, surely. I'll be interested to hear every detail that can be shared.

But first, a long flight home today as I head from Connecticut to California on a journey of my own.


  1. Proof that timing is everything!

    1. Logistics certainly enters into this phase of our plans, beginning with a three way conversation scheduled to take place this Saturday. I'm totally excited to see this project come to a successful close...although sad that the trail of discoveries, having served its purpose, is drawing to a close.

  2. It is going back to Ireland!! Good for you! I bet those relatives are thrilled! :)

    1. Yes, they are--particularly the ones I'll be talking to this weekend. This has been just the best project--but how do you ever know that when starting out fresh with a new project?
