Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Another Trip, Another Phone Call

Has it been only a month since my trip back east to Florida—the very day in which I received the message confirming connection with the granddaughter of the Irish couple from my mystery photo album? It was in the airport that morning I had checked my messages one last time before boarding my flight. There, Heather had responded, confirming she had received my messages and wanted to talk.

Phone calls in busy airports, though, do not blend well with this type of conversation, so we waited until a mutually convenient—and quiet—time to make our first phone contact.

Once again, I've received an answer to a tentative message—in the affirmative, and with a request to talk by phone. If not from the actual recipient of that mystery photo album, from someone who could possibly be the oldest living relative of this family line. She likely has a lot of information to share. And I am keen to hear it.

But travel plans have once again gotten in the way. For a phone call of this type, I'd not only need a quiet place but a space to spread out with note paper and my online database—that "secret" family tree I constructed to help keep track of my guesses as to who this family was that sent the album, and just who its recipient might have been.

Meanwhile, though, we do have email. And we've been exchanging notes—on my part, pumping out an endless volley of questions about the Reid and Hawkes families, and from the other end, a gracious stream of answers plus the bonus of more photographs.

Once that call has been made, all that remains is to make arrangements to return the album to the family in County Cork whose grandparents had sent it westward, over eighty years ago. In the interim, though, I have one more small bit of research business to attend to: contact all the others researching these family lines who had helped me along the way to accomplishing this goal.


  1. Oh, I feel like our baby is getting ready to leave the nest. I'm a little sad while at the same time full of admiration for the work you did to tell the story. Go Mama!

    1. I know...hard to become that empty nester, Wendy! You put your finger right on it!

      I was in a quaint New England town yesterday and, spotting an antique store, was almost frantic about stopping to see if they had any old photographs for sale. I'm really missing the hunt.

  2. Yeah!! Oh never resist the temptation to rescue old photos! :)

    1. Believe me, it has become so much easier to hear antique shops calling my name as I drive by! It may become a new mission in life for me :)

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