Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Celebrating My Very Own Patriot!

It was just this week when I received notice—at long last—that my application to become part of the Daughters of the American Revolution has finally been approved.

In case you hadn't noticed that this was a work in progress, I can hardly blame you. It's only been, well, a matter of a mere twelve weeks since I kissed that paperwork goodbye.

On the other hand, in all fairness, it took me only about, um, three yearsalmost to the day—since my Genealogy Angel handed me the blank application and got me started. Not to mention the frenzied two week hiccup after finally turning in the paperwork when the national headquarters sent back for clarification—stat!

But all that is behind us—all, that is, but the shouting, which will happen when I can clear my schedule out enough to align with one of our local chapter's monthly meetings.

In the meantime, allow me to introduce you to the Patriot who made all this possible. His name is Zachariah Taliaferro, and he was born in colonial Virginia in 1730. According to the D.A.R., his recognition in their records is owing to "patriotic service" as both a Justice of the Peace and a member of the Committee of Safety. Zachariah Taliaferro was my fifth great grandfather.

Having documented my relationship to this Patriot, I join a long list of others—all distant cousins I've never met—in claiming D.A.R. eligibility for membership all because of his service to our fledgling country, centuries ago. Of course, I'm not on that list yet. It will take some time for the paperwork to be recorded. But I'm in. And that's what counts!

Above: Frederick Childe Hassam's "The Avenue in the Rain," 1917 oil on canvas; courtesy Wikipedia; in the public domain.


  1. Congratulations on your successful hurdle-jumping. My app was sent back too along with a laundry list of things to clarify, most of which was already in the original submission had anyone bothered to apply their thinking skills. No, I'm not bitter.

    1. Oh, Wendy, I thought you were so far ahead of me. In my mind, I kept comparing notes--"She's likely already sitting in that wonderful meeting place her chapter has, sipping tea and enjoying being surrounded by all those duly qualified DAR members" while I sit here, languishing with my still-incomplete application. You are in now, aren't you?

    2. NO! I need to get probate records, I guess, for one generation because they did not accept a deed in which Mitchell Davis and his mother Frances Davis, "widow of Leonard Davis deceased," sold their right, title, interest, etc. to the family farm. I thought this deed plus the family bible giving death dates for Leonard and Mitchell would be enough but apparently not. The note came back, "Who is Leonard?" Hello! Who reads these applications?

    3. Oh, no, Wendy! I hope those probate records fall right into your lap, and soon. How frustrating!

  2. Yes, congratulations! What an honor to have an ancestor who helped establish our country's freedom.

  3. Congratulations Jacqi! How exciting! I to am eligible to be a DAR member, but I haven't applied.

    1. Oh, do, Jana! Your local chapter's registrar can help you get everything organized. At least, that was my experience with the DAR chapter here. Very helpful!

    2. Ya, I should probably begin the process. My patriot ancestor is already in the DAR database. I just need to prove my connection to him.

      I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

      Have a great weekend!

    3. Thank you, Jana. I always appreciate your Friday Fab Finds on your blog!

  4. Dahling! DAR is so lucky to have you as a member. Here's to many years of having entirely too much fun!

  5. Congratulations Jacqi.

    SAR National #150837.

    1. Thank you, Charlie! Honored to hear that from a descendant of another Patriot!

  6. Way to go! I know you worked long and hard on all that paperwork! Congratulations:)

    1. Well...I couldn't have done it without the expert guidance I received. Every DAR chapter should have a registrar as talented and skillful as our local chapter's registrar. There's a reason I call her my Genealogy Angel!

  7. Congratulations Jacqi, seems a lovely connection to have with your fifth-great-grandfather and a great reward for all your hard work.

    1. Thank you, Dara! It's been quite the thought to contemplate such distant connections with history.

  8. Yehaw!!!! Congratulations!!!

    I'm still stuck, mostly due to an unresponsive DAR sponsor/"helper".. but if my mom ever gets in - I know 20-30 people that will ride in on her coattails and this keeps me plugging in face of the frustrations.

    1. Yes! Definitely! Keep pursuing it! There's got to be a way around your research roadblocks. You are an awesome researcher, Iggy. I know you can find the way.
