Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Hazards of Blogging

When a blogger like me is smitten with a weakness for The Bright Shiny, it's hard to stay on task. Consequently, when deep in the midst of exploring one branch of Ye Olde Family Tree, I—and my readers—may suddenly find ourselves snatched away and spirited toward the nether reaches of yet another family tree.

Granted, there are sometimes other hazards of Life that get in the way. I do need to remember to cut myself some slack, for instance, when I beat myself up over having lost the trail, the first time I started blogging about William Ijams and John Jay Jackson. (Yes: three years ago.) Thankfully, in that case, I was able to pick up the thread and get back on track, albeit years later.

When it comes to other threads at A Family Tapestry, however, the passing of years since initiating a series on one part of the family might mean all the other stuff that inevitably happens while we're busy having fun blogging can cause us to miss out on hoped-for results.

I guess it's no secret I'm on the road again—this time, with an opportunity to squeeze in some family history research. I'll save the particulars for another post—I do, after all, want to pick up a few details to share from one of my destinations for tomorrow's topic. But even though the long-hoped-for opportunity is now here, other people's lives have moved on, and with that, apparently the connections which might have supercharged that opportunity, had it been taken when first offered.

It is what it is. Sometimes, we can blog and the research moves forward at a speed at which it feeds the information mill with nary a hiccup. Other times? Let's just say the Speed of Blog doesn't always match up with the Speed of Life.


  1. Jacqi, I find it very hard to stay with just one family branch & not get pulled in other directions. Then I lose my flow and it takes a while to get back to where I was before.

    1. Yes! It's the "getting back to" that is the real crux of the matter. But I always find something delicious on these detours...

  2. Of course the bright and shiny makes it all so much more interesting!!

    1. That's why I don't mind it so much. There can be some real bonuses in those detours.
