Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Missing Link

…is still missing.

What appears at first to be the smoking gun conclusively connecting this Denver guy we’ve been researching—Harry A. Sullivan—with the family of our Kelly descendant, Julia Creahan Sullivan, ends up with a frustrating twist of details.

Chalk it up to another in a long line of aggravating journalistic errors—and believe me, I’ve found many to complain about over the years—or see it as proof that I’ve been, yet again, barking up the wrong family tree.

Either way, there is one single word in this April 26, 1919, Denver Post article that provides me no end of frustration.
            One of the happiest family reunions witnessed Saturday at the station was that of the Sullivan family, who welcomed home their son and brother, Lieut. Harry Sullivan, a former semi-professional baseball player of Denver.
            Mrs. Katherine Sullivan of 817 East Tenth avenue, the mother, was the first to catch a glimpse of her son, and she lost no time in edging thru the crowd and throwing her arms around the happy soldier. Regina and Florence, his two younger sisters, were next on the reception committee to cry a little and smile a whole lot over the return of their loved one.




  1. Shoot! Well, maybe the descendants of Katherine, Regina, Florence, and Harry will stumble in and be forever grateful.

    1. Oh, can be sure I will not be giving up quite so easily...

  2. Jacqi, I'm loving this story - the cliffhanger post-endings make it hugely addictive!

    1. Thanks, Dara! The suspense has been propelling me onwards, as well. Hopefully, there will be something discovered to help shed some light on all this, soon...

  3. Urf!!!

    Does the address for "Katherine" jibe with the one(s) for Julia?

    1. Good point, Iggy. If I recall correctly, Julia was, at one point, living on Tenth Avenue. I'll have to go check it out.
