Monday, July 21, 2014

So, Ask!

Apparently, I triggered a volley of disgruntled responses with yesterday’s post. Of course, I could chalk that up to the inattentiveness of my senior editor—who, it was pointed out, also neglected to insert the phrase “devastatingly handsome” before the entry about the “fun-loving emcee.” Perhaps, it would have been a wiser course to simply have added quote marks around the title, “Three Things You Might Not Know About Me,” implying by those quotes the name of an as-yet unrevealed creation, rather than the promise of an action to be taken by the author. Especially an action for which some of you have expressed your expectation of fulfillment.

I am so puzzled by that revelation. I mean, here I sit, an unassuming genealogy blogger, writing my heart out, day by day. Believing in the natural process of osmosis, I figure there is much to be learned by reading between the lines. Inference is a handy skill to cultivate.

Besides, what’s there to know? I may seem to be The Intrepid Introvert, but the reality of it all is more like “Fuddy Duddy” than Fantastic. Not even close to Mysterious. Definitely not Outrageous.

Granted, I don’t mind writing the stories of ancestors who could be labeled as fantastic—or even mysterious or outrageous—but when it comes to writing about, well, me, it seems to lack that same verve. I know some bloggers see it differently, and are quite willing to fling their virtual selves across the blogosphere with abandon. Thankfully, others approach the task with a modest grace (and even a welcome touch of humor), like How Did I Get Here’s Andrea Kelleher, who has chosen to participate in the “Book of Me” meme initiated by Julie Goucher of Angler’s Rest.

I’ve never been one for taking up my keyboard and following memes. I’ve got too much else to write about. I sometimes find myself in a dither over the thought that, if I don’t “get this all down on paper,” all that research will somehow be lost to subsequent generations. That would be such a horrible crime.

But since you brought it up…what three things would it be that you, as reader, are seeking? If there are three questions you are just dying to ask, well, ask on! If not, then fine. Suffice it to say there are many more than three things you might not know about me—as I might not know about you, either.

If we were ever to meet, face to face, we’d discover we know very little about each other. On the other hand, if you have been stopping by A Family Tapestry on a regular basis (as I have at your blog as well), in that hypothetical face-to-face meet-up, we might discover there is quite a bit we do already know about each other. Digital life can be such an enigma.

All the more reason to someday find a way to connect.


  1. 1. You blog E.V.E.R.Y. day. So you must be researching every day too. When do you cook?
    2. What's in your wallet?
    3. Paper or plastic?

    1. 1. Cook? What's that?
      2. Wallet? What wallet?
      3. Plastic? What happened to the rock and scissors?

  2. Do you have a dog or a cat?
    Do you have a lovely place to sit outside with your feet up in the California Sunshine? And gardens lush with fruit bearing plants?
    What do you do for fun?

    1. I have a dog, of course. And a cat. Make that three--indoors. I won't talk about the outside critters...

      Oh, Far Side, you know how I love the California outdoors. We do have several fruit trees. I planted two dozen of them, but that was years ago. They were wonderful and we enjoyed them for years. But then life got too crazy. They are still there...but let's just say I'm thankful for our weekly walks at the downtown Farmers' Market :)

  3. I'd like to know what 3 answers you sent to the club for the "game"!

    1. Oh, I suppose...I see I can't evade detection...may as well face up to it ;)

      My three game entries (and a little editorializing):
      1.) "I was born on Fifth Avenue in NYC."
      (A little plug for the Big Apple from someone who now lives far, far away.)

      2.) "When I was in high school, I wrote to more than 40 pen pals all over the world, in both English and Spanish." (Don't count on me making any sense en espanol now, though. Out of practice for too long. I threw that one in for a curve, since I'd be the least suspected candidate for an answer to that clue.)

      3.) "I was a DJ for a top 40 radio station." (Surprise. Yes. I was.)

      Care to reveal what answers you'd send in for the game???
