Sunday, June 8, 2014

Best Laid Plans

Part of my strategy in preparing for a research trip to Ireland was to find an app that could work with my iPad, allowing me to snatch photographs of my journeys as a way to bring you along with me. I did find that app, and, worried that things might not work out well, decided I'd make my trip to the Southern California Genealogical Society's Jamboree my guinea pig expedition. I snapped several pictures of the event--especially the Blogger Summit held yesterday--and spent the evening preparing to publish them, with a few comments, for today's post.

The best laid plans part of this idea was that the app would work smoothly and effortlessly. Not to mention, it would include the fact that I've tried this thing before, without a hitch. It is, after all, supposed to be a simple (read foolproof here) app.

Surprise. It wasn't.

Unless I wake up to an unexpected double post coming out of nowhere, the only blog entry for Sunday should now be these very bland, photo-less words I'm typing right now. No matter how I tried, I could not get my photo-blog entry to post. While I may be tech challenged to a degree, I shouldn't have had problems with this.

Lesson learned: it is good to practice being a guinea pig. The lesson learned may sometimes be that best laid plans can fall through. Better here in the Golden State than far, far away in the Emerald Isle.

Now, for the time to regroup. I'll have to come up with Plan B. After all, I will be traveling this fall for at least three weeks. There is no way I'm going to write enough posts to schedule ahead of time. Besides, who wants to write other stuff when the trip of a lifetime is unfolding before my very eyes? And really, would it be fair to talk about such a trip, then take it without trying to share it with the people who've patiently listened to me go on and on about it beforehand? No, of course not. (I knew you'd see it my way.)

So, back to the research department I go, seeking another way to post brief spurts of photo-embedded commentary via blog, without having to do something tedious like lug around a laptop through the beauty of Ireland. For a device as simple and straightforward as the utilitarian iPad, there has got to be a way!


  1. I am amused at the idea of having a guinea pig for the guinea pig.

    1. But of course, Wendy. I have a guinea pig gig for me, myself and I ;)

  2. I don't have a help idea for you, but thanks for reminding us that things - especially tech things - don't always go as planned. Good luck in the next steps!

    1. Thanks, Sally. Believe me, I am totally grateful to discover this in a test drive only 300 miles away from home, instead of five thousand miles from home.

  3. I'm afraid I cannot help you either. However Susan Branch kept all her followers up to date on her travels in England on her blog Maybe she has some ideas for you.

    1. Kristina, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving that suggestion. I was entranced with the story Susan Branch wrote of her visit to England. Charming!

  4. Don't forget practice makes perfect!!
