Saturday, December 14, 2013

Remembering a Family Home

There were many road trips made, over the years, from the Davis home—wherever it might have been at the time—to Rubie Davis' maternal roots in Florida.

Among my aunt’s collection of photographs preserving memories of such trips were snapshots from long after her childhood, some presumably during her years as a student at Ohio State University.

I often wonder whether some of these trips—featuring scenes that just happened to be set on the campuses of rival football teams—were made in the late 1940s based on OSU’s game schedule. After all, my aunt was a devoted Buckeye fan.

One set of photos, taken in March of 1949, featured my aunt’s grandmother, Sara Broyles McClellan, first on the grounds of the University of Tampa, then in a setting far from her Tampa home.

Perhaps it was with a bit of nostalgia that my great grandmother took her place to pose in front of her former home in Fort Meade, Florida. You may have remembered a post I wrote about this home, upon discovering that an enterprising individual had taken up the challenge to rescue the home from demolition and rehab the building.

Though this photograph of Sara McClellan was taken in black and white, it’s interesting to compare the 1949 version of its façade with a photograph of the recent recreation.

I am still hoping, someday, to actually visit the place, standing in the same spot where my great grandmother posed almost sixty five years ago.


  1. Oh It is still a beautiful home..yes I hope you get your photo taken a hat for the ocassion:)

    1. How fun! I'll have to see if I can find a hat just the same as that one in the photo!

  2. Take a print out of the photo with you so you can stage the photo of you in it "just so!"

    p.s., but try to smile!! This woman looks so grim!!

    1. I've been really hoping I can find a way to make a trip back to Florida...just reading your comment and Far Side's comment make me want to get back there even more!

  3. You're invited anytime! Thanks for the kind words!

    1. Randy!!! Thanks for stopping by and for leaving a comment. Oh, believe me, I so totally want to make the trip. The last year has not been easy for this branch of the McClellan family, but my cousin in Florida (whom you have met) and I are hoping to get together sometime in the next year. We will take up your kind offer soon!
