Sunday, January 20, 2013

An Enigma Begins Taking Shape

Joice Terrace possibly Alameda California
As much as I don’t know about Leona Bean Grant’s husband, I think an idea starts taking shape in my mind as I begin to find other photographs of the man. All it took was that one key, identifying the face and linking it to a name, and now I’m equipped to start putting the photographic puzzle pieces together.

A secondary theme also begins to emerge in this family puzzle: the family’s love affair with that newfangled contraption, the automobile. I’d be tempted to say it’s the men’s domain, but Leona has her fair share of photographs next to some impressive vehicles through the years, too. Perhaps, thinking of my own sister-in-law, Leona’s grand-niece, this trait is genetic…

Alameda California Amos and Andy Ford 1919
This fascination with cars spanned the generations, too, judging by a couple old photographs I found of the once-unknown Bob and a young companion. Both photos are labeled, “Bob and Sammie” and bear the date, 1923. Each of them also spells out the address where the Grants lived at that time: 48 Joice Terrace. No city is included, but I assume it was Alameda, California, where Leona’s brothers and mother also lived. One photo includes the note, “nr Fairmont Hotel.” Another photo states, “Amos + Andy Ford 1919.” (Whether that designates a particular version or car model, or the name of a specific shop, I don’t know.)

The “Sammie” referred to in each of the photos—at least I’m assuming as much—is Leona’s brother Sam’s oldest boy. Sammie junior was born in 1921, which fits right in with the appearance of the little tyke in the pictures. Looks like he and his uncle make great companions, whether at work or at play.

Actually, for this family, when it comes to cars, even work becomes play.


  1. Alameda County . . . know it well! Lived near there and mom worked in and around it herself for many years. I too have a few (very few) photos of ancestors standing next to old vintage cars . . . love those photos. Glad your finding those pieces to your puzzle. Love your post.

    1. So once again, this turns out to be a small world! Interesting to hear your connections to Alameda county, Gini!

  2. Keep the pictures and breadcrumbs coming. I love it.

    1. Speaking of breadcrumbs, it does put me in mind of Hansel and Gretel's plan to find their way back out of the forest...only in this case, I wish these relatives had made that trail of breadcrumb hints a little more obvious!

      Bit by bit...

  3. Jacqi,
    Your posting are always an inspiration. I read your blog daily and look forward to you next posting.

    Therefore, I am awarding you the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Please read my blog on Wednesday for details. Thanks for reading my posts and for your comments.


    1. Thank you so much, Charlie! I look forward to reading your blog this Wednesday.

  4. Sammie junior is a lucky little boy to have such an attentive uncle. These are the relationships that meant so much to me as a child -- the favorite aunts and favorite uncles. In the second photo, it's easy to imagine the pair of them jumping into the car and going for a ride. For an ice cream cone, maybe.

    1. Mariann, of course it was for an ice cream cone! You knew that! ;)
