Sunday, September 2, 2012

Surprise! He’s Back—Again!

It’s Frank, and he’s back again.

Agnes Tully Stevens’ boy who grew up in the Navy during the fiercest fighting in the South Pacific during World War II headed home for the briefest visit after the war, then decided it was to be a military way of life for him. We’ve already seen him head for Europe and the Middle East in those post-war years during the formation of the Air Force. This time, he’s back in Saudi Arabia.

I wouldn’t have known about this missing letter from Frank except that I did know I was missing another card. It was a while back when I was gathering the material for the post on the mystery cousin who became a priest, Father John Bernard Davidson. I had tucked that ordination invitation in a “safe place” to save it until such a time as I could actually explain just how he was a cousin. Of course, by the time I actually figured that out, the invitation went missing.

What do you do when something isn’t where it’s supposed to be? The only recourse is to search everywhere it isn’t supposed to be! Thankfully, in the process, my hand came upon this letter from Frank that should have been part of a long-completed series of posts. The letter looked quite unfamiliar. I checked my digital records, and sure enough, I lacked any entry for this letter’s date.

So, for this momentary backtrack, let’s rejoin Frank at the point of his letter, knowing the records are once again updated and in order. At least, that is, until the next re-appearance.

                                                                    Saudi Arabia Training
                                                                    20 December 1947
Dear Mom +All—
            Well I’ve been here a couple of days now and the reason I haven’t written sooner is cuz there hasn’t been a flight out to Germany, Had a grand trip over tho it was a little rough over the Atlantic, that is between New foundland and the Azores.
            Really think I’m going to like this place, right now we sleep under two blankets and the days are just right, got a slight sun burn on me snot pump and feel like a million.
            Well I’ve been in the Azores, New foundland, Germany – Rome, Athens and Arabia, how bout that sooks  – Some day I’ll write a book.
            Guess it will be after Christmas by the time you get this so I’ll have to wish you all a Merry Christmas and New Year now.

            Some of my students are real sharp characters and have university credits in fact 7 of them are graduates and hold degrees. There are in all 30 students and all of them as friendly as pups. All you have to do is say you like something and they go out and try and get it for you. As soon as I am able to pick up some native craft work I’ll ship it home.
            Have a class this afternoon Mom so I’m going to sign off. So long for now. I’ll write more later when I’m more settled. Bye now will write more later.


  1. Oh I enjoyed his letter..snot pump..I bet his Mother treasured the letter:)

    1. Glad you liked it! There's no one who could put things quite like Frank.

  2. Frank had such a way with the language. Perhaps he should have written books instead of stayed in the military?
