Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spell This One “Flannigan”

From a piece of paper so old that, if I don’t take exquisite care, it actually disintegrates in my fingers, I glean a news report of what a Chicago priest left behind at his passing. The undated news clipping, from the collection of personal papers left behind by Agnes Tully Stevens, was cropped so closely that it omitted any mention of the source of the publication. From the content, however, I can surmise it was printed some time in early September, 1907.

The subject of the article is Father Patrick Michael Flannigan, the long-time pastor of Saint Anne’s Catholic Church—the same church that the Tully family had attended from the date of its inception. Father P. M. Flannigan—that was the way he signed his records—died in Chicago on August 29, 1907, at the same address on Wentworth Avenue where another priest we’ve already discussed later resided.

The newspaper report itemized the generous bequests of the late Pastor, which in the interest of space, I’ll continue on tomorrow’s post. First, let’s take a look at the article’s introduction, which provides a glimpse into what the man considered important as he contemplated the end of his own ministry.

Flannigan Will Provides 1,000
Masses Be Said for Those
in Purgatory.

Testament Bequeaths $12,500, Most
Of Which Goes to Relatives and

            One thousand masses to be said for souls in purgatory was one of the chief provisions of the will of Father Patrick M. Flannigan, the aged pastor of St. Anne’s Roman Catholic church, whose body was taken to Marquette, Mich., for burial last Monday. The priest also provided for 100 masses to be said for the repose of his soul. The instrument was filed in the Probate court to-day by Attorney P. J. O’Keeffe. The priest gave away thousands of dollars while he lived. In the will he disposed of $12,500, most of which he divided between his brothers, sister and a number of Chicago catholic hospitals and asylums.


  1. I'm glad you got it scanned in - lots of things being digitalized these days. :)

    I'm a little confused, are you suggesting this Flan(xx)gan might be a family member?

  2. I know the feeling some papers are so fragile..interesting..he was very wealthy for a priest..I thought they gave up all their wordly goods:)
