Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blessed With Easter Greetings

Among the treasures Agnes Tully Stevens kept tucked away were several holiday greetings. Some, like yesterday’s card from her youngest son, Gerry, were signed and preserved in their envelope. Others, like the card below, bore no address, no signature, no written remarks. Perhaps the card was originally tucked inside another letter, included as a pretty addition—with floral presentation gilt and embossed—to the packet. Or maybe it was something she found, herself: a sentiment capturing her express thought at the moment. Whatever transpired to add this small item to Agnes’ collection of memories, something about the card, itself, simply spoke to its receiver.

Wishing You A Bright Easter

As lilies sway and carols play
While chimes the soft winds ride
May your heart know the golden glow
Of happy Easter-tide.