Sunday, February 5, 2012

Halfway Around the World Another Time

After spending time at the Air Force base in South Carolina from the end of 1952 through at least mid-1956, Frank Stevens must have been transferred to a base in Japan. I have only one bit of evidence to lead me to that conclusion: a post card featuring a view of Mount Fuji, from Frank to his mom, Agnes Tully Stevens (who now sports another new address in Chicago).

Seeing how Frank and his wife, Norma, hadn’t seemed to travel together in previous moves, I can’t guarantee that Frank’s current transfer happened anywhere near the time of this post card. The only thing I can tell, once again, is that Norma Stevens is making the trip with an infant—as well as her now-nearly-six-year-old son John Kelly and his younger sister. I have no idea how much baggage this trip will entail.

                                                         30 Nov 1956
 Dear Mom + All –
            Norma got in this morning at 0600. She and the kids look swell but pretty tired, had a pretty good trip once they left Travis A.F.B. California. Don’t tell me women are the weaker sex – Our love to all. Norm will write in a few days.


  1. It would appear they flew this time?

  2. Now you're hitting SO close to home. My mother followed my father to his new station in 1956 with a young baby and one suitcase full of clothes. She flew on an Air Force troop transport plane. Whenever we watched a WWII movie showing paratroopers seated on benches she commented that that's what the trip had been like - holding a baby with one arm and the strap with the other.
