Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So Long and Thanks For All the Help

All good tests must eventually come to an end. Even beta tests.

The Record Search Pilot of the "labs" that bring us FamilySearch.org have, at long last, served their purpose in helping to revamp the FamilySearch.org look and function. While they have been my go-to spot for delving into their 1.3 billion records, that is still no match for the gargantuan 2.1 billion records at FamilySearch.org.

Today, August 23, is the last day you can access the pilot site. You can easily guess how I'd like to spend my day. I'm not sure why, but I have a better go at scooting around and finding exactly the documents I'm searching for on the beta site. To me, the main site is too clunky.

After today, I'll just have to hone my search skills on the main site, and be satisfied with the wonderful worlds of digital documents that can be accessed with a few taps of my fingertips.

But I can't claim that I won't miss being a part of the beta test. For my record, I'd say it provided the best test results I've ever received.

1 comment:

  1. familysearch.org is a great site.

    I wish there were more search options - like occupation.
